Please enter the keywords you wish to search:

The text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean
expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For
- Divan Shams
- finds documents containing 'Divan' or 'Shams'
- Divan or Shams
- same as above
- Divan and Shams
- finds documents containing both 'Divan' and 'Shams'
- Divan not Shams
- finds documents containing 'Divan' but not 'Shams'
- (Divan not Shams) and Mathnavi
- finds documents containing 'Mathnavi', plus 'Divan' but not 'Shams'
- Mev*
- finds documents containing words starting with 'Mev'

1998, Vancouver Canada, 1999 - 2005, Los Angeles, CA
You may use any part presented herein for non-commercial purposes only, on the condition
of giving full credit to the author and to this home page, including a hyperlink, if you
wish to use these material over the Internet.
This page was last modified on July 26, 1999