2: 446 - 457

Scaring the pious man of losing his sight for so much looking


Once a man addressed his pious friend
So much looking around your eyes offend.
In reply to his friend that man told
Eyes are either blind or can behold;
If eyes can see Divine Light, say no more
In such state who will need keep the score?
And if not, what do I need my eyes for?
To such eyes, better close the light’s door.
Worry not for sight, with Christ inside
Walk ye not astray, ride forth with pride
For Christ, your Soul, inside you resides
Ask him to reveal the gifts that he hides.
Yet enslave him not to your body’s demand
Think not Christ is there at your command.
Not unlike the fool in the story
Whose life was so idle and so sorry.
Ask not of your Christ for body’s lust
How can Moses ever Pharaoh trust?
In your heart think not of your daily bread
In His presence many feasts are spread.
This body is soul’s tent in midnight dark
Soul is Noah, body is much like the Ark.
Forsaken, inside the tent, naked, stark,
Sacred, to beloved, heavenward embark.

Ó Shahriar Shahriari
Los Angeles, USA
March 22, 1999


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