Like a candle
I shine, reflecting the light
Turn my fortune so I can shed myself candle-like
The promise of the morning breeze, of joining Thee day and night
Burning, yellow, shaking, crying and humble, candle-like.
Thy flowing hair, like scissors sheer my soul at its height
In this fire of separation burn me no more, candle-like.
Pearls overflowing from the sea of my eye, fill my bosom in delight
My burning heart sent its flames blazing upward, candle-like.
Solar flares set in the celestial lantern, sooth the sight
Every morn dam my tears and shed no more, candle-like.
Thy face is spring like, thy fire sorrows fight
How long burn in this solstice of separation, candle-like?
From the memory of thy light, every night flames take flight
If only my heart fire would burn, my soul desire candle-like.
How long burn thyself Shams-e Tabrizi, thy love beaming bright
We know of nothing other than burning up, candle-like.
Ó Shahriar Shahriari
Vancouver, Canada
July 1, 1998

1998, Vancouver Canada, 1999 - 2005, Los Angeles, CA
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