Why think this ethereal thing is the soul
And a nugget of gold a treasured goal?
In search of gold, digging deep, why?
Thinking the earth to be the sky
Why consider ghastly temptations
To be the beauty of the nations?
Why like a worm crawl with earthly lust
And consider lovers lower than dust?
Why drive love out with disgust
Think are in love, while immersed in lust?
Why let the smoke of ignorance fill the eyes with tears?
Why consider godliness the result of ignorant fears?
Submission to lust signifies a curse
Then why insist this sign will disperse?
All that I question, why, I asked of me
Like others you thought I asked of Thee?
Shams-e Tabrizi, show thyself, thy light
Thou who considers eyes have no sight!
Ó Shahriar Shahriari
Vancouver, Canada
March 27, 1998

1998, Vancouver Canada, 1999 - 2005, Los Angeles, CA
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