name: j smith
email: khidr@flash.net
Date: 25 Aug 1998
What can you tell me about The Society for Understanding Mevlana and Dr. Ergin`s work
in translating the Divan? I read a review that said it is the first translation of that
work into English by a Sufi. Have you heard of this? j.

name: Hemant
email: hvora@bom4.vsnl.net.in
Date: 28 Aug 1998
My first exposure to poetry of Rumi.Thanks. Intend visiying the site more often

name: Alaleh Kamran
email: alalehkamran@msn.com
Date: 29 Aug 1998
some badly needed food for the soul, in the culturally barren Cyberland..............
Thanks for the beautiful selection, wonderful translations and pictures

name: Laura Gonzalez
email: lpgonzalez@hotmail.com
Date: 05 Sep 1998

name: barbara
email: bface@campus.mci.net
Date: 09 Sep 1998
this is quite a nicely done site. the colors and fonts you have chosen are soothing and
work well with the subject matter. i have recently come upon a group of folks who do
"dances of universal peace" with the sufi tradition at the heart. they have
often mentioned rumi as another resource. your site gave me insight. thanks much. barbara

name: Carolyn
email: gwfoster@flash.net
Date: 09 Sep 1998
I returned from Turkey in May. While I was at a whirling dervish ceremony in Konya last
December I read a poem of Mevlana Rumi's that I would like to find. It went something like
"if you fill your life with thorns you will live in a garden of thorns, if you fill
you life with flowers you will live in a garden of love." If you can help me track
down the complete poem, I would appreciate it.

name: Almati al-Bukara
Date: 10 Sep 1998
who do believe is the better intellectual overall- jalal al din rumi or omar khayyam, 2
of persias greatest, anyway.

name: Zarathustra
email: Brandon02123@yahoo.com
Date: 12 Sep 1998
To my knowledge Rumi had a younger son named Alaadin who was suspected of joining the
band of Rumi's followers who murdered Shams of Tabriz.

name: Yasar Mert
email: banarhev@hotmail.com
Date: 13 Sep 1998
Dear Editor,
I am wondering why you are mentioning the city of Malatia as being in Armenia??? I
think, it would be more accurate to refer to as Anatolia.
Yasar Mert

name: Rimithta Mevlav-shiv
Date: 14 Sep 1998
Picture #9, "Enlightenment is quite well. I can identify that mans triumph as the
triumph or Sufism. The masses shall have fleeting interest only when a enlihghtening
thought is found by them. But what they have found is only the crumb that fell from the
table! for behind everything they can comprehend there are men like Rumi studying and
adding to the great knowledge and teaching only those who seek his knowledge out for
Also, perhaps we should add the work of Omar Khayyam to this page. I believe his mind
and Rumi's are two sides of the same coin.

name: V.P.
email: None
Date: 14 Sep 1998
You love Runi? So do I!!!!!

name: Farah Assadi
email: fassadib@learn.senecac.on.ca
Date: 16 Sep 1998
It is a very great site.

Date: 17 Sep 1998
Thanks for the info.! Just for this I got some bonus points in english!

name: David S.
email: scheiner@life.edu
Date: 18 Sep 1998
can you please e-mail me regarding how I may obtain some poster prints of the photos in
the gallery. Thank you.

src="../_themes/rumi/sumhorsa.gif" width="600" height="10"