name: Ali Deniz Olgen
email: alidenizo@hotmail.com
Date: 01 Jan 2000
I realize your translations are a production of master-piece. Thanks for your
addings to THE LITERATURE ART. You made a very enormous service to Mevlana and
Sufism. THANKS FOREVER..... Ali Deniz Olgen

name: sinan tuzcu
email: si_tuzcu@hotmail.com
Date: 01 Jan 2000
thank's foe the all work that u done for MEVLANA...

name: Lynn TerWoerds
email: lterwoerds@yahoo.com
Date: 02 Jan 2000
Thanks for a great site and info on Rumi! Translations are great.

name: Yass
email: yassmrnd@yesic.com
Date: 11 Jan 2000
I am writing to thank you for the great information that you have made it
available to every one through your site. I certainly enjoyed reading and
learning more about our great poets. I had never read any of Rumi's poems ,
until I visited your site and since then I fell in love with his
MAGNIFICENT/beautiful poems.

name: Travis Tice
email: tice@gibralter.net
Date: 11 Jan 2000
Love this site.. Could more poems be used?

name: The Halcyon Cosmopolitan Entertainment
email: webmaster@thehalcyon.org
Date: 12 Jan 2000
Excellent website! Thanks. We will happily link to you. http://www.thehalcyon.org/

name: Ali Karimi
email: ali@ausa.net
Date: 12 Jan 2000
I was greatfull to see the picture of Molanaa J. Rumi in Time magazin,
December 1999 as one the greatest in the milennium. You have done a great job in
traslation. Thanks.

name: Nermana
Date: 13 Jan 2000
This site is great. Thank you for creating it.

name: Sarah
email: Hallowqueen@1033edge.com
Date: 19 Jan 2000
Hey Nice page, gotta love Rumi's work, he was a master of words, thats for
sure.---- Sarah

name: Shideh
Date: 20 Jan 2000
It is very well organized and beautifully presented. Congrats on a well done

Date: 21 Jan 2000

name: Mysterio One
email: mysteriohermit@yahoo.com
Date: 23 Jan 2000
Thank you! for a tremendous effort! and a job very well done...may the sound
of celestial music be your guide....a blessing..

name: Naureen Yousufali
email: Naureen_18@yahoo.com
Date: 28 Jan 2000
Awesome web site! Very information rich and aesthetically pleasing!

name: ML Petersen
email: oaktree@powernet.net
Date: 28 Jan 2000
Reading Rumi gives me feelings of wonderment and a warmth unto my soul. It
infuses my spirit with light. Thank You for a wonderful site I can go to daily
while on the computer.

name: Ralph E. Turner
email: returner@erienet.net
Date: 30 Jan 2000
I am interested in researching Omar Khayyam and discovered your web site. It
is a wonderful site and I am pleased with the material I have found. When I have
more time I will return to study some more. Thank you

name: Mohamad Ismail Ibramsa
email: ismaili@iomega.com
Date: 31 Jan 2000
This is wonderful site. Thanks for the translations and the original in
Persian is a soothing addition. Vive la Rumi!

name: Anne Alferos
email: aalferos@vusd.k12.ca.us
Date: 01 Feb 2000
I have just recently discovered Rumi, I believe what I like best with his
poetry is that it makes me feel comforted in sadness and appreciative of those
expressions of love and loss.

name: amir
email: amirvf@yahoo.com
Date: 08 Feb 2000
Great Website!! As a Persian-Canadian, it gave me a sense of my true culture.
I could really connect with Rumi's works. I think his works are really good.

name: Alex
Date: 08 Feb 2000
Great website! It provided just the right information for my history project
on Islamic poetry. Thank You! (Alex- 9th grade, Raleigh Charter High School,
Raleigh, NC)

name: Sally
email: Kenter@msc.net
Date: 09 Feb 2000
I am looking for a poem by Rumi which I believe has the line at the end
"don't go back to sleep." Can anyone help. Thanks!

name: pat edward
email: pat@higherselfcafe.com
Date: 09 Feb 2000
Thank you so much for all the work you did providing these poems online. I
enjoyed them very much and have shared the link with others. namaste. Pat

name: Mina Eghbal
email: minaeghbal@hotmail.com
Date: 09 Feb 2000
This is a step in my continuing effort to connect with Mr. Barks....I am a
student of "Rumi" and more than anything wish to "in some
way" collaborate with Coleman in attempting to translate Rumi. This is my
life's wish. Any help you may extend will be most highly appreciated! My phone:

name: Erin Shoemaker
email: e.shoemaker@sk.sympatico.ca
Date: 10 Feb 2000
Greetings! Thank you for this wonderful website! I have felt drawn to Rumi
since hearing his first poem , less than two years ago. I have been accumulating
text of his works since that time. Upon discovering this site I learned that I
share his birday - September 29th., except that I was born in 1943.
I am an ordained minister of the United Church of Canada, working half time
at a church here, and launching my business in Counselling and Spiritual
Direction. Last fall I completed a two-year program in Spiritual Direction at
the Vancouver School of Theology.
I am grateful to have encountered your page on my pilgrim walk.
Erin Shoemaker

name: Shadi
email: neeky_forever@yahoo.com
Date: 11 Feb 2000
2 thumbs up!!... I can say that this is truly one of the best sites about
Mevlana...it would be even better if the original poems in Persian for Mathnavi
were there too...thanks for paying tribute to literature...very well done!

name: will jones
email: jj17905@swt.edu
Date: 12 Feb 2000
god is great. for my sake, i hope he is merciful.

name: drew
email: spinc17631@aol.com
Date: 12 Feb 2000
I searched for Rumi on the web and found rumiwear.com. Please visit their
site and send them hate mail. In the sick american tradition, they are
capitalizing on rumi's name with no thought to right and wrong. On the one hand,
these transgressions should be ignored and not given response; on the other
hand, when trapped in a downward spiralling culture such as this, it is almost
like driving by a recent car wreck without stopping to help...

name: Nurdogan
email: nurdogan@lesartsturcs.com
Date: 12 Feb 2000
Great pages. Best wishes from Istanbul and Turkish painters If you want to
see Ceremony of Whirling Dervishes in Istanbul, Check out
http://www.lesartsturcs.com/whirling_dervishes/jgreene.html Nurdogan

name: D.X. Nekrosiu
email: dnekrosius@aol.com
Date: 18 Feb 2000
I read Rumi's "Baking Bread" amidst the smell of baking bread while
searching for a fire to power a project I have in mind. Persia many centuries
ago; today if God wills it. Thank you.

name: Marlon
email: marlon_cnr@hotmail.com
Date: 20 Feb 2000
Dear Reader,
The pictures included in your site are very beautiful. But it seems as if
they have a whole story hidden inside them. I wonder if you have the story of
each picture and if you have, I'm very interested to read about it.
Yours sincerely,

name: David Howell
email: fontaine@spiritcare.org
Date: 22 Feb 2000
I am writing an article on Rumi for "The Morning Call" newspaper of
Allentown, PA. Can anyone help me on this? I am looking for information on
Rumi's connection with Sufi beliefs and Rumi's popularity in Iran and Turkey.

name: volkan
email: fthdrm@yahoo.com
Date: 24 Feb 2000
I enjoyed your work. Good job. Why these pictures? Anyway thanks .

name: hust
email: hustler@yahoo.com
Date: 25 Feb 2000
I bet your translations are very good at least everybody says so. But We are
interested in pictures May we use 'm.Please forgive us we're experiencing some
difficulties about finding subject.

name: cathie mccue
email: ecmccue@yahoo.com
Date: 02 Mar 2000
Rumi is so inspirational. I truly enjoy having access to these poems.

name: Dr. Urooj Akhtar Zaidi
email: zaidis@mnsi.net
Date: 06 Mar 2000
Excellent job!!! could be improved by supplying the farsi text side by side.

name: Banafsheh Zand
email: purpledevil@hotmail.com
Date: 07 Mar 2000
Dear Mr. Shahriari,
I read your translation and wanted to tell you how wonderful they are...To be
honest, they are probably some of the most faithful translations I've ever read.
Coleman Barks should learn a thing or two from you. Best,
Banafsheh Zand

name: Roya Nabi
email: roya_nabi@yahoo.com
Date: 07 Mar 2000
Hello, I truly enjoyed this web site, especially since the were many of
Rumi's poems written in Farsi. I have been looking for web sites that have his
poems from Masnawi in Persian, but I have been unsuccessful. The link to "
Mast-O-Ghalandar" does not work properly. I was wondering if you know of
any other web sites that might help. It does not matter whether it's in actual
Farsi, or phonetically spelled out in English. I think this size was designed in
good taste, nice job! Thank You, Roya Nabi

name: Ali Dogan
email: Alidgn@aol.com
Date: 09 Mar 2000
I looked at your picture gallery and these pictures are not related to Rumi.
I think there is a misunderstanding in his love poems on your side. He means
love of God not bally dancer.
Best regards

name: Safiya
email: chlee@kahala.net
Date: 09 Mar 2000
Thank you for your lovely website. What a gift to all to share the beautiful
and divinely inspired poetry of Rumi. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

name: Arlene Elle Gray
email: gray@gwmail.nodak.edu
Date: 10 Mar 2000
Reading the poetry reminded me of my years in Iran in the Peace Corps.
Wonderful poetry and wonderful memories. The translation into English is clearly
understood. Thank you.

name: Michael Kersten
email: dervish78@hotmail.com
Date: 13 Mar 2000
Very interesting site -- and comprehensive! Two questions: Where are the
pictures from in the gallery? And who did the translations?

name: Muhammad Thompson
email: horuseye@juno.com
Date: 13 Mar 2000
Lovely renditions, but what about "Come, and again, Come...Whatever you
are, still, come!..." Am I mistaken in attributing this quote to Rumi? I
thought it was his most famous line. I would greatly appreciate it if you could
send me this quotation, either in Turkish or English, or include it on your web
page. Thank you so much.
Muhammad Thompson

name: Tuija Cardoso
email: dlcardos@aol.com
Date: 17 Mar 2000
Thank you for this beautiful website! I am courious as to your knowledge of
The Knowledge Book? And if you have knowledge of the book would you use it on
the website if it were allowed? Keep up your work on infinite love and infinite

name: Faruk Arslan
email: farslan@bsu.edu
Date: 17 Mar 2000
I would like to thank you for kind efforts to enable people to meet the man
of the ancient wisdom. The wisdom that we the poeple have forgotten or tried to
avoid in our lives. It is good to see that still people out there embracing the
May Allah(God) to be with all of you...
Best regards
Faruk Arslan

name: Wahid Zhowandai Balkhi
email: Wahidz@yahoo.com
Date: 19 Mar 2000
Masnavi manawee Maulavi Ast Quran ba zabani Palavi
I am the companion of him who remembers me!

name: Ghulam Rabani
email: ghulam_rabani@hotmail.com
Date: 21 Mar 2000
I really like this web site. I think you have done a great job. I have one
gripe. The fact that Rumi was a Muslim and his poetry was about reaching God, I
find it 'confusing' as to why you have used seductive images in both your
backdrop and your headers.
Out of respect for Rumi I would think you would choose more appropriate
images. I hope my comments are constructive.
Keep up the good work!
Wa Salaam.

name: Jaime Russelle Discon
email: LilCajunGrl16@hotmail.com
Date: 21 Mar 2000
I LOVE Rumi's poems. There aren't many websites about him, but I would have
to say that this one is the most interesting. I own two of his books and I would
like to know how many books of his poems are published.

name: Aslıhan Uysal
email: bezirgan@bezirgan.com
Date: 23 Mar 2000
ı am very happy because ı am one of the chıldren of MEVLANA . ı thınk ıt
ıs better ıf you could enlarge the pıcture galery.thıs subject ıs my
graduatıon work .thank you very much.

name: Aslıhan Uysal
email: bezirgan@bezirgan.com
Date: 23 Mar 2000

name: S.NAqvi
email: zindamauj@aol.com
Date: 26 Mar 2000
Please Review a tribute to Moulana www.moulanarumi.com

name: melih atay
email: melihatay@hotmail.com
Date: 27 Mar 2000
çalışmalarınızda başarılarınızın devamını dilerim saygılarımla,
melih atay
bu alemde bir zat ile tanışma nasibimiz oldu. kendisi hakkında yazılmış
bir kitap var ve bunu da internet de yayınlamak istiyorum. bilgilendirilmem için
yardımlarınızı rica ederim. saygılarımla, melih atay

name: Masoud Mirnateghi
email: masoud11@home.com
Date: 29 Mar 2000
Thank you so much for putting the treasure of Molana on Web. It is a blessing
to have this website available. Masoud

name: Solaiman Daneshjo
email: daneshjos@aol.com
Date: 01 Apr 2000
This site makes me proud to be from that part of the world.

name: Akramedia
email: akramed@akramedia.com
Date: 02 Apr 2000
AsSalam alaikom!
"The Essence of Time" is an exceptional documentary video about
Surat-al-Asr. Produced by an Emmy Award winning director, this video takes the
viewers into a visual and intellectual journey of exploring Surat-Al-Asr of the
Holy Qur'an. This is not a lecture series. Rather, this video demonstrates the
explanations of Surat-Al-Asr through visual illustrations and state-of-the-art
Digitally produced, "The essence of Time" includes interviews with
well known Muslim scholars such as Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Syd Mohammad Zaki, Dr.
Soroush, and Shaykh Muhammad Nur Abdullah. It also contains expert comments of
Dr. Joseph Cusumano, a non-Muslim psychologist and the author of
"Transforming Scrooge". For more information or to place an order,
please visit http://www.akramedia.com or call 314-961-7655
Resellers are welcome!

name: Lubna Afanah
email: lubna_afanah@hotmail.com
Date: 02 Apr 2000
I like the site very much and I think it is very inspiring!

name: Sharida Mohamedjoesoef
email: s.mohamedjoesoef@robeco.nl
Date: 04 Apr 2000
This is such a great website. Congratulations on a job well done.

name: Hamid Jamshidi
Date: 05 Apr 2000
Right on, man.

name: emir t.
Date: 05 Apr 2000

name: Farrokh Negabat
email: f.negabat@worldnet.att.net
Date: 08 Apr 2000
You are to be commended for making this beautiful site. Translations are done
superbly. Thanks for making it possible for the genius of Molana to be known to
the Western World.

name: Joe Mueller
email: jrm94@hotmail.com
Date: 12 Apr 2000
Beautiful site! I was introduced to Rumi through Coleman Barks. I was hoping
to find the original text of a poem Mr. Barks titled New Moon Hilal. I would
like to use the original text of the line Barks has translated as "What
nine months of attention does for an embryo forty early mornings will do for
your gradually growing wholeness." in a very personal artistic project. I
was hoping someone might point me in the right direction to find this script.
Also, I was wondering did you chose rhyme because Rumi's originals rhymed, or is
that an addition of your own. Just curious, thanks again for this beautiful

name: Mahdy Fahimnejad
email: e-fahimnejad@irisl.net
Date: 13 Apr 2000

name: Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi
email: Aghiassi_fhc@hotmail.com
Date: 14 Apr 2000
I am a university teacher here in Orlando Florida. My home address is 1220
Oak Haven Dr. Altamonte Springs Fl. 32714. I would like to have contacts with

name: Nadia Carlander
email: ncarlander@eur.ko.com
Date: 17 Apr 2000

name: Nadia Carlander
email: ncarlander@eur.ko.com
Date: 17 Apr 2000

name: Dr Usman Azam
email: U_Azam@doctors.org.uk
Date: 19 Apr 2000
A site that truly proclaims the beauty that is Rumi.

name: Emir T.
Date: 19 Apr 2000

name: Frank O'hara parish
email: fparish62@hotmail.com
Date: 22 Apr 2000
please keep me informed

name: MANTA
Date: 24 Apr 2000

name: shoreh parandoosh
email: sparandoosh@hotmail.com
Date: 26 Apr 2000
Your web site is beautiful. I am new in Chicago and am interested to connect
with rumi lovers in this town. I will appreciate it if you provide me some

name: Najib Barati
email: nin1b1@aol.com
Date: 26 Apr 2000
It would have been great if you had included the farsi version of Masnavi
along the the translation

name: Mohammad Samii
email: m_samii61@yahoo.com
Date: 29 Apr 2000
I need descriptions of Mathnavi. Thank you lot if you help me.

name: Ben Seifert
email: BenWS@Earthlink.net
Date: 29 Apr 2000
Hi, Thank you for your lovely site.
I have a question for an Iranian friend of mine who would like to obtain a
tape of Rumi poetry/story/prayers in Farsi. If you have information on this,
would you please contact me?

name: Chaz
Date: 02 May 2000
You have a cool website!

name: Michael E. Luby
email: michael@lubys.net
Date: 06 May 2000
What a wonderful site!!! Keep up the good work!
Michael http://www.lubys.net/michael/

name: René Smits
email: arsmits@compuserve.com
Date: 07 May 2000
I have been reading Rumí for several years now and even tried once to teach
myself Persian to capture the essence of his poetry but failed after a few
helpless tries at it. This site I found thanks to a Dutch/Turkish colleague whom
I told about Rumí and who then searched the Internet. I am glad I found it, am
not yet sure whether I am drawn to the rhyming translations or prefer others.
Yet, this site with its clickable verses, and the Persian originals below, is
very beautiful. I gratefully acknowledge all the effort that has gone into it.
The pcitures of Rumí are lovely. Will visit again.

name: Chris
Date: 11 May 2000
Just wanted to say this is a Beaufiful site!

name: Justin
email: planetz45@hotmail.com
Date: 11 May 2000
this is a great site. The poetry is inspirational!!

name: akhmad shodiq purnahadi
email: AKHMAD_SHODIQ_PURNAHADI@email.ypf.com.ar
Date: 14 May 2000
very nice and very helpfull. i propose to use another language not only
english . in indonesia we have many rumis admirer. is it possible to translate
into indonesia language .? regards shodiq

name: akhmad shodiq purnahadi
email: AKHMAD_SHODIQ_PURNAHADI@email.ypf.com.ar
Date: 14 May 2000
very nice and very helpfull. i propose to use another language not only
english . in indonesia we have many rumis admirer. is it possible to translate
into indonesia language .? regards shodiq

name: Chris
Date: 17 May 2000
Why would you make a website about this crap. you made more work for me
thanks a lot

name: yasmina haddad
email: yasmina08@hotmail.com
Date: 19 May 2000
This is a great site,kind regards,yasmina ma salama!

name: Mahsa Arabani
email: mbani@hotmail.com
Date: 24 May 2000
Hello Mr. Shahriari, It is very organized and beautifully presented. Great
site. I also have a question. I am making a personal home page for myself and
was wondering if I could use a couple of your translations on my web site, of
course with your signature.
Regards Mahsa

name: Emir T.
email: ahl_tesawwuf@hotmail.com
Date: 29 May 2000
Great job!!

name: Parvin
email: behrooz1@gte.net
Date: 31 May 2000
I enjoyed it very much.

name: Rumi Keshavjee
email: rumik22@hotmail.com
Date: 04 Jun 2000
It's really nice to see a site that has my name on it. I guess I should be
grateful that I'm named after Rumi.

name: Lee Jae-hoon
email: dahn@netsgo.com
Date: 06 Jun 2000
I'm a Korean young man. Actually I hadn't known anything about Rumi until I
read " IF THE BUDDHA DATED " Now I know how gorgeous and beautiful his
poems are. I'm really glad to know Rumi. °¨»çÇÕ´Ï´Ù. ·ç¹Ì ¸¸¼¼

name: farshad
email: hammihan@juno.com
Date: 07 Jun 2000
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
Love is freedom. Rumi.

name: nikosnikolas
email: nikosnikolas@hotmail
Date: 07 Jun 2000
very good ,i was interesdid

name: RUMI 2000: Whirling With The Cosmos
Date: 07 Jun 2000
Don't miss this conference celebrating the life and work of Rumi. Featured
speakers, presenters and activities include Nader Khalili, architect and found
of Cal-Earth and author of of "Fountain of Fire", a book of Rumi's
poetry; coleman Barks, traslato of Rumi's poetry and author of "The
Essential Rumi"; Ana Perez Chisti, a practicing Sufi and teacher at the
University Creation Spirtuality; The Avaz Dance Company, performing works
relating to Islamic culture; Carl Ernst, professor and Sufi scholar at the
University of North Carolian; and on October 28 a Middle Eastern Bazaar,
featuring the Mevlevi Order of American performing the Sema. October 26 - 28,
2000. For more information please call (909)880-5977. Sponsored by The Center
for Scholarship on Spirtuality, California State University, San Bernardino.

name: Asad sharifi
email: rumi102@hotmail.com
Date: 11 Jun 2000
Dear friend Salaam, I am very pleased finding your site on the net. I love
the way you actualy traselate Rumi's poetry. Keep on going and good luck to you.

name: Pat
email: pjypssee@aol.com
Date: 12 Jun 2000
I am happy to have found it. Will enjoy exploring it and ofcourse reading
more of RUMI.

Date: 12 Jun 2000
It's kinda strange on how I found out about this site. I found it searching
tthrough the personnals and found a poem that I liked and a person also only we
are worlds apart and yet so close with one thing bonding. POETRY. Poetry of
inperation, wisdom, and just plan old everyday romance. So do you feel that if
everyone read there favorate poems to each other that we wouldn't have so many
problems in the world now? It's just a thought? You can send your comments back
to the return address.

Date: 13 Jun 2000

name: Anton Zondag
Date: 16 Jun 2000
Being a Buddhist, I was very pleased to find this excellent poetry on the
Net. Rumi aimes directly for God and uses a language and imagery wich is very
suitable for our age (it's timeless and directly inspired by his love for God,
and lacks too intellectual/personal features that could scare off so many people
-the directness is its greatest strenght.) I think you did a fine job by keeping
the rythm and rime in these works -the poems are more complete, more 'closed
stories' than without this feature. Translating Rumi's poetry is noble and very
important work -I wish you good luck and may your site bring people from all
over the world closer to the Beloved!

email: billah@webmail.co.za
Date: 17 Jun 2000
shukran for an excellent site.may Almighty Allah richly reward you for your
sterling service in futhering the noble cause of the great alim,sufi moulana
jalaaludin rumi. whas-salaam

name: Ahmed
email: cyberahmed@aol.com
Date: 22 Jun 2000
Thank you very much for bringing together this collection of translations.
Though I dont understand any of them, I find them all to be greatly express

name: Y. pourmohammadi
email: y_fallah@usa.net
Date: 30 Jun 2000
Great ! Dast Marizad! Thank you so much for translating and putting this
treasure of wisdom and real love on the Web. As you have mentioned it is
inevitable that much of the intricacies are lost in translation. It would be
very appreciated if you (a native Persian speaker) add some comments on each
poem trying to compensate the loss of some important concepts. (BTW, some of the
pictures used on top of each page cause misunderstanding in the meaning of love
for those people who are new to this culture).
Again, thank you very much for the great job you have done.