name: Abdul
email: ats1942@msn.com
Date: 02 January, 2003
Slam-o-Alekom Brothers. Your site is woderful. I am not an Iranian, I am an
Afghan a proud Farsi speaker a very proud Afghan. I know that you are not one of
those who try to box Rumi or in our word Balkhi in so called Iran (which is a
political unit )some illeterate Afghans do the same thing which I hate from what
ever side this happens. Isn't Moulana a universal personality? Does Balkh come
under Iran with distorting the beatiful and glorious history of our common
language if some people claim all Farsi speaking people of the world to be
Iraqnians against their will and insyult thei pride of Afghan ot Tajik
nationality? Look to other wrld languages English, Spanish, Arabic, and many
others. They love each other for being (Hamzaban)and never thik of claiming the
other lands. Iran has alwaqys been the pioneer of Farsi language and poetry and
all Afghans love Iran and Iranians for that. But the absurd word that is heard
from some illetrate uncultured people from Iran who claim that Afghanistan
should be a part of Iran is redeculious. Great Bahar Malek Ulshoara mocks this
dreams in beatiful Robaee: Aasar-e azal ta ba abade maara bus Naam-e padar-o
masab-e Jad Maara bus Taareekh gawah-e wasat-e keshwar-e maast Gar molk za kaf
rafta sanad maara bus
God Bless You and all Iran

name: noori
email: noori@t-online.de
Date: 03 January, 2003
salam, doostan e aziz , motmaen hastid ke tarjome ha sahih hastand ? matn e
tarjome ye shomare ye 68 ra ba asl e an dobare tatbigh konid motewajeh khahid
shod ke che eshtebahi rokh dade ast ( manzoor az bahre khoda an nist ke dar
tarjome amade) az bahre khoda !! tarjome ha yetan ra check konid ! sawab darad
wa dar zemn rooh molana be larze dar nemi ayad. sad albatte sad albatte in
enteghad naghez wa nafi ye zahamat ba arzeshe shoma nist, balke dar sadade rafe
iradi ast ke chehre ye an ra be zaem man makhdoosh khahad kard. bar gharar wa
piriiz bashid

name: Farid M. Azam
email: FaridAzam@Juno.com
Date: 05 January, 2003
I allways looking something from Rumi ,, I am so happy to find you guys,,

name: Molana karmostaji
email: M_karmostaji@hotmail.com
Date: 09 January, 2003
salam bar asheghan hagh va salam bar asheghane khodavandgaar hazarate Molana.
omidvaram ke hameye shoma baad az ghoran masnaviye maanavi ke az in shaer va
arefe geranghadr keshware azizemaan Iran hast pishe gharar dahid ta betawanid be
movafagheyat beresid. movafagh bashid. khoda negahdar.
_Mohammad sajjadi_

email: jansary@juno.com
Date: 09 January, 2003
just to say with simple word thank you , and keep it up.........

name: Farshin Dastvar
email: Dastvar@yahoo.com
Date: 10 January, 2003
Dear Shahriar Thank you Very Much for The most valubale and Unique Translated
poems of my Great Teacher Molana Rumi, I was Dead became Alive...By the
Fragrance of Molana´s Love.

name: Ghasem noori zonoz
email: ghnouriz@hotmail.com
Date: 11 January, 2003
Khonok aan ghomarbazi ke bebakht har che budash benomand hichash ella havase
ghomare digar...

name: reza rahimi
email: r_jalalvand@hotmail.com
Date: 19 January, 2003

name: Atif
Date: 20 January, 2003
nice site u got here. always wanted to read rumi's poems.

name: mohsen
email: rezaee68@msn.com
Date: 25 January, 2003

name: armin
email: armin3mojgan@yahoo.com
Date: 02 February, 2003
thank you

name: mb_72000
email: mb_72000@yahoo.com
Date: 03 February, 2003

name: meghdad
email: mb_72000@yahoo.com
Date: 03 February, 2003

name: mark ryan
email: coldfish24@yahoo.com
Date: 06 February, 2003
hey, i don't see any of the poems tht i have read, of rumis, "no room
for form" is oneof them, the others although some what memerable, i do nt
see, so where are they, ? i know there is more rumi than this,

name: bagu
email: for_u75@hotmail.com
Date: 08 February, 2003
alas now! that ardent soul is not with us. where shall i find that gracious
partner, that wise companion. alas a body is nothing without its soul , a star
is nothing without its radiance and alas bagu is nothing without his RUMI. it is
due to RUMI that a fire remains burning in my heart. a bright fire, such a fire
that makes me drunk. my faith and wine have both declined, who shall have feats
and joy combined? RUMI. the gracious and kind, through your sight my soul's
refined! anyways the pity is that my ALLAH is unseen that is my LORD is unseen i
long for his sight naimat-e-chashm hai bekaar khudaya saari, chashm se meri agar
naimat-e-deedaar ho juda, as this was wat amir khusro said and so i say this
myself. and the most sad part is that i cant feel my companion as well my
companion only being RUMI. may i by my grace of ALLAH meet him, feel him see him
if not in this world then i pray to my ALLAH then do give me this oppurtunity
after death. i myself am a poet and a thinker but all thought and all poems lead
to my ALLAH through the way which my RUMI showed me. anyways i dont know whether
u would display this message of mine or not but anyways i expressed my feelings
to my MAULANA JALALUDDIN RUMI. may ALLAH bless his soul. wat else about me just
this that i am a 16 year old boy of PAKISTAN.

name: saeed
email: dauring@yahoo.com
Date: 11 February, 2003
Sallam: Rumi was born in Afghanistan,not Iran or Tajikistan as your site
claims.Balkh is a province of Afghanistan.

name: ibne yousuf
email: abluewood@hotmail.com
Date: 14 February, 2003
well thats reallly a nice effort......

name: ehsan sahabi
email: tabieh2000@yahoo.com
Date: 14 February, 2003
i am going to read a guestbook

name: visitor
Date: 14 February, 2003
Thanx Thanx & Thanx again

name: zahra
email: zgolnavaz@yahoo.com
Date: 18 February, 2003

name: tasnim
email: TFernandez0224@aol.com
Date: 20 February, 2003
MARCH 29 - 2003 "Hands of Prayer" an all day & evening zikr
workshop with Postneshin Jelaluddin Loras of Konya, Turkey. In Studio City, CA.
email me for details.

name: mrezasedaghat jam
email: sedaghatjam_m_reza@hotmail.com
Date: 21 February, 2003
ta dar talb gohar e kani kani ta dar havas e loghm e nani...

name: hilda
Date: 27 February, 2003
salam.arze adab daram khedmate modiriyate in site.omid ke hamchenan be honare
in sarzamine ahoorayi khedmat konid,dastanetan portavan va rahetan por rahro

name: Mohammed H
email: kbl_afg@yahoo.com
Date: 01 March, 2003
This email is in response to Abdul's (ats1942@msn.com) comment on Rumi's
site. Please don't comment on something you are not sure of. Rumi was not from
Iran. He was actually from Afghanistan. Iranians like to claim all good things
that come from Afghanistan. Another good example would be Said Jamil o din
Afghan. May Allah bless you and help you to get accurate information. This is
nothing against Iranians. I love all human being and especial love for the

name: masood sekandary
email: masoodsekandary@yahoo.com
Date: 04 March, 2003
Salam,wish you all the best. just I want to say, it is a great work,which you
are doing.the only thing that in your website mentioning same part of
Afghanistan &Turkey as part of persia.My friend is not correct.Please thing
&research about it. masood

name: yama
email: www.yama842000@yahoo.de
Date: 05 March, 2003

name: gholam-Ali Nadjmabadi
email: Naji123456789@hotmail.com
Date: 14 March, 2003
This an informative as well as a beautiful site. The only remark that I have
would be for you to emphasize that Rumi was without any doubt an Iranian, and
would delete the Turkish pronounciation and any such reference. Thank you very
much for making such a site available to us.

name: Yama
email: yhcali@yahoo.com
Date: 15 March, 2003
Heaven and the earth belongs to Allah only. But if we divide the areas, we
can clearly see that Rumi and his family were born in Belkh, Afghanistan. gholam-Ali
Nadjmabadi, you don't know what you are talking about and please don't speak
beyond your knowledge.

name: nooshin
email: noushin_delfani
Date: 18 March, 2003

name: Ursula
email: urs@bmts.com
Date: 20 March, 2003
Beautiful site. Enjoy visiting ofter. Blessings U

name: arthur smith
email: khidr@itlnet.net
Date: 25 March, 2003
your readers and perhaps yourself would like to know that the most accurate
translations of Rumi`s poetry (and the only complete translation of the entire
Divan) have been completed by Dr. Nevit Ergin, a sufi (though he would not
identify himself as such)

name: Mourice
email: mourice@mail.com
Date: 28 March, 2003
I must say that your site is enlightening and inspiring to dive into and be
overwhelmed with wealth of information and philosophy we need to be guiding
light on the path of this glorious journey we call life. Thank you and keep up
with new information. Mourice Penhasian ----<--@

name: mazyar
email: mazyar85_sarkhosh
Date: 29 March, 2003
SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaalam ddddddddooooooosatan a a a a man Mikhastam ba
azizan dar in site ertebat dashte bahssma lotfan ye azizi baram mail bede ya az
messenger ham mishe ....ke ba doostane khoob ertebat dashte bashim.........
mamnoon misham............az shabname esgh khake adam gel shod...........

name: Ahmed Mushtaq
email: smilenonie@hotmail.com
Date: 13 April, 2003
Salam! I'm from Pakistan and dont know persian. I just had a glance on this
site and fell in love with it! it is so wonderfull in designing and contents. so
much here is to read and understand. i have saved all of it and read it
everyday. I'm designing a new site ans will surely include its parts and links
too. hafizinlove.com and okonfire.com are also recommended for other people. may
God bless you all behind this effort. this site teaches us to see the inner self
and then the creator of it, inside us. Thanks. nonie.

name: mohammad hassan muti
email: mmuti1@maine.rr.com
Date: 17 April, 2003
may god blss your hard work about rumi

name: hoda
email: hoda_homayoni@yahoo.com
Date: 19 April, 2003

name: saeed
email: a_saeed7@yahoo.com
Date: 24 April, 2003