name: WFC
email: Woodbadgefoxoa@aol.com
Date: 01 September, 2002
Very interesting

name: henrique tabot
email: batata51@netcabo.pt
Date: 06 September, 2002
Thank you.

name: Mehrzad
email: mehrzad@earthlink.net
Date: 07 September, 2002
why do you not have the Farsi version on your web site? It would be great to
see both the original words and the translation side by side. thanks

name: reza
email: jomeh@accir.com
Date: 08 September, 2002
tour to konya on dec.2002

name: françois houtmeyers
email: francois.houtmeyers@busmail.net
Date: 08 September, 2002
salaam aleikhum.bestudeer iedere godsdienst en ontdek de gelijkenis in de
essentie van de leer. alzo respekteer ieder mens

name: amir
email: a_heydari1097@yahoo.com
Date: 11 September, 2002

name: Armando V Farnes
email: avfarnes@aol.com
Date: 17 September, 2002
Very Good

name: Oliver
email: lduffy@pacificnet.net
Date: 17 September, 2002
A friend told me about this site so here I am. She said it is what we talk
about all the time so I sould like the writings. I'lll check it out.

name: maria amendolia
email: nan3123@snip.net
Date: 23 September, 2002
absolutely mind blowing experience thank you maria

name: claushagenpetersen
email: seeup@sol.dk
Date: 30 September, 2002
happy birthday,Rumi!! and I like ur website a lot

name: Inanc
email: inomilo@excite.com
Date: 02 October, 2002
i can just say, A perfect site, that honnors Dear prophet Mevlana`s soul. I`m
a believer of the sufi ideology and endless peace I`m Turkish University Student
in Iowa USA, I was astonished by your site. Are there anywhere in the Midwest
where Sufi`s get together.
Web sayfanizdan cok etkilendim, harika olmus, tebrik ederim, ve
calismalarinizin devamini dilerim. Sevgi ve Saygilar

name: Hülya ضzel
email: ozhulya28
Date: 04 October, 2002
Salaam! Ich suche seit Tagen eine Seite über Mawlana, Kontakte zu den
Mewlewis bzw.zu solchen organisationen in Deutschland. Ich bitte sehr um
jegliche Informationen! Vielen Dank!

name: Fahimeh Amouzandeh
email: RumiMusic@googooshmusic.com
Date: 10 October, 2002
Hooo, Thank You very much for Rumi and Hafez Shirazi pages. You are Welcome
to visit: http://www.mp3.com/FascinatingRise

name: mohammad hassan muti
email: mmuti1@maine rr.com
Date: 12 October, 2002
god bless you and Ilove your web site god loves every one which he created we
should find allah through love not through haterat

name: cwill
email: cw2675@fau.edu
Date: 18 October, 2002
this sight has stimulating information. it would be great if world leader
would take the time to read this site and other sites similar. possibly it would
encourage them to consider their act. are they for the good of humaity or the
good of material-reality?

name: Elise
email: ecoffin2@maine.rr.com
Date: 20 October, 2002
Beautiful site ... poetry, pictures, everything. My soul is full. And I might
ad ... Rumi is timeless, love is timeless.

name: Pawel (Paul) Piotr Liedtka
email: kleyl@hotmail.com
Date: 26 October, 2002
An exellent site, with a lot of Rumi's great poetry. Thanks for the nice
translation, which makes life easier for poeople like me who don't speak Farsi
to find more sense and beauty in nowdays world. Khoda-fez, and keep the pages
going - thanks to all Persian friends

name: Madonna Garbovitj (Sweden)
Date: 27 October, 2002
Conservatism is what holds the society back and forms fundamentalists. No bad
on islam but some reforms are needed. I'm from Sweden, call me a sinner but I
walk in what clothes I want and have what opinions I want. I can be a communist
or a capitalist, I'm living in a democratic society with a free mind and I'm
damn proud of it.
And for those of you who think the background of this page is obscene, you
have been brainwashed and have serious problems.
Death to all dictators and peace to western world!
Sverige نr utan tvekan vنrldens bنsta land, ett paradis dنr man fهr vara
som man نr. Jag tror inte svenskar tنnker pه hur bra vi egentligen har det. Tنnk
pه det och kنmpa vidare. Jag نlskar Sverige!

name: Mehran
email: mehran_1362@yahoo.com
Date: 30 October, 2002
Please see the new web site thanks http://www.daf.20m.com bye bye

name: Bahral
email: b.abedi@sorna.com
Date: 07 November, 2002
سلام برای اولين بار از طريق سايت ايران-هو
با شما آشناشدم نوشته بود به دو زبان فارسی
و انگليسی! پس چرا فارسی نيست ؟در هر حال
سايت بسيارمعتبری است. موفق باشيد

name: Mukund
email: cosmic_1728@yahoo.com
Date: 15 November, 2002
Thank you so much for maintaining such a wonderful collection. Rumi is truly
amazing and his mystical poetry carries a divine message to mankind,
transcending all barriers of space and time. I wish he could appear to me
sometime in a resurrected form :-)
May the Infinite Spirit bless everyone!
Aum - Amin - Amen

name: Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
email: nourhaghighi@hotmail.com
Date: 16 November, 2002
Dear Mr. Shahriari: Thank you very much for great job that you are doing,
very well. Only God knows how much value has your great job. I love Mollana Rumi,
like million people. Your cite is helping me to be in touch with my lover,
almost everywhere; and this is great. Please continue to up to date your site
with more, and more material that your wisdom confirm. I have created many links
in my web sites that lead people around the World to your site, just as a small
share to your great jobs in the following my web sites:
http://www.geocities.com/nourhaghighi http://nourhaghighi.50megs.com
Sincerely Major Nourhaghighi Iranian Senior Pilot and Author

name: Todd Javadi
email: toddjavadi@attbi.com
Date: 17 November, 2002
Wonderful work, we certainly enjoy it. Thanks,

name: Lina Sofiani
email: lina_sofiani@hotmail.com
Date: 20 November, 2002
Rumi's poems are so deep ... in meaning and interpretation ... he shared his
spiritual experience in a way that one would jump to any opportunity available
to meet him in person and talk to him ... in eternity

name: saeed
email: saeedbazari@hotmail.com
Date: 20 November, 2002
thank you for this site

name: saeed
email: saeedbazari@hotmail.com
Date: 20 November, 2002
ze hoshyari ghosseye har chiz khori chon mast shodi harche bada bada

name: Ali Sayyar
email: Sayyar@wanadoo.dk
Date: 20 November, 2002
You have done without a doubt a very great job. May God bless you all. truly
yours, Ali Sayyar

name: Ameem Haque
email: ameem@ameem.com
Date: 23 November, 2002
Enlightenment is quite a well. I can identify that mans triumph as the
triumph or Sufism. The masses shall have fleeting interest only when a
enlihghtening thought is found by them. But what they have found is only the
crumb that fell from the table! for behind everything they can comprehend there
are men like Rumi studying and adding to the great knowledge and teaching only
those who seek his knowledge out for themselves.

name: Jawed Nader
email: yourmjn@hotmail.com
Date: 25 November, 2002
He is the greatest wealth, and his way is the path where we can see our
distination. Why shouldn't we pay our abundant respect to a personality which is
a source of pride for all the Islamic culute. This site is a practicle way to
follow this great man to keep his candle alowing.

name: neha
email: nehamehta27@yahoo.co.in
Date: 26 November, 2002
I love this site, it is simply a treat for all rumi lovers

name: Farid Nabizada
email: faridnabizda@yahoo.co.uk
Date: 27 November, 2002
Salam ba hama dostane azezem afghanha. i hope evr y one are ok in there and
doing very well as possibl. iam very from all u afghan people that u all prpare
these facilities fro afghan people around the world, iam realy thanks full from
all of u. i need some help, if any one can help me please. next month in london
we cellibrate teh (hors mawlana saheb) so i need soem poems about him in next
month, but i tried very hard and couldnt find any, if it is posible that a few
poems send me by persian and english which should be about the country that i
should read them on next month, please tashakor as komak

name: david gower
email: davidgower2@yahoo.com
Date: 29 November, 2002

name: Hayat
email: muna_hayat
Date: 02 December, 2002
He is wounderful!

name: ijaze tarbiat
email: asheia25@yahoo.com
Date: 03 December, 2002
hargah dar tammanaye anjamine eshghe balkh y boodid sar bar gardoon say
bashid chon hozehaye tarbiate asr.

name: Tahir
email: tahir@tahir.it
Date: 03 December, 2002
As-Salamu Alaykum,Shukram,Tesekkur Mevlana!!!!!!Y love You.

name: سامان
email: s115rz@parsimail.com
Date: 08 December, 2002
از ديدن اين سايت خوشحال شدم. مرا به وجد
آورد.فقط كاش متون فارسي در آن فراوان بود.
اجرتان با خدا

name: arman
email: arman1976@yahoo.com
Date: 09 December, 2002
hello indeed its nice.and thank you very much for making this site. I was
looking for some Molana's poems,but I couldnt find few of them, is the 'Ghazaliat
e Shams' going to be upgrade by adding of the other poems? thanking you in

name: shahla
email: shahlamiller@earthlink.net
Date: 11 December, 2002

name: MASIH
email: HOSIN1347@YAHOO.COM
Date: 19 December, 2002

name: shahin.a.s
email: shahin810@hotmail
Date: 20 December, 2002
salaam ba khdawand jan ve kherad. safha besyar zeba ve qashang hast .
khdawand ajeer naseeb shoma nemayd. tashkur.

name: احمد البرزئ
email: alborzi567@yahoo.com
Date: 24 December, 2002

name: امير ايزديان
email: ya_abas@yahoo.com
Date: 31 December, 2002

name: Wkr
email: wkr786@yahoo.com
Date: 31 December, 2002
I dont know what this site is about. I know MAULANA JALALUDDIN RUMI (Rehmatullah
Alaih), but what this site is about, I have not read, just noticed a few things
and I consider it Un-Islamic. The background with Women, and the Picture
Gallery. I don't know what you people are upto. Far astray! Naked women, Music
form of worship, all rubbish, not allowed is not allowed, the Commands of ALLAH
are the commands of ALLAH, break them and you have committed sins, and deny
them, then KUFR!