name: Shireen Habib
Date: 05 May, 2004
Awesome.... very useful information... why don't u add some of the beautiful persian artwork on ur website?

name: Sean Morris
email: owls001@yahoo.com
Date: 22 May, 2004
Rumi is the true face of Islam, his lesson is a simple one, live life with passion and discover true love through understanding, and its a lesson for all of mankind.

name: fatih ozgul
email: chewik@yahoo.com
Date: 25 May, 2004
I have several times visited Rumi`s Tomb in Konya, Turkey can play sufi music with "nay". But I know also basic of Islam which is compatible with Rumi`s ideas. I think you are in a great mistake to show Rumi like allowing sexual seducing. He was a saint himself and used some symbology to express holy ideas&facts to people who lived those times. These pictures show Rumi as if he was like a drunk darvish!!!
Please be respectful to high personalities and do not spoil minds of people, if you really don`t know about Islamic Sufism or "tasavvuf".
Thanks for your effords to introduce Rumi on internet but be more careful about showing respect to him.

name: Peter Cherneff
email: prc29@columbia.edu
Date: 25 May, 2004
My daughter is trying to find the original text of a couplet that is translated
Turn as the world turns
Everything that circles comes from the center.
Can you help?

name: Shazia khan
email: cianshaz@yahoo.com
Date: 05 June, 2004
I am just now discovering Rumi and his wonderful work. I am completely
fascinated with his persona and this website has been a great help in
discovering about this great sufi. Thanks for the job well done. Shazia

name: aroon
email: dekaboul@yahoo.fr
Date: 05 June, 2004
salaam, you have to get your information in Dari books and not from books
written by iranis because they never say the truth.

name: Faramarz
email: roommateucla@yaho.com
Date: 07 June, 2004
Great webiste. Truly amazing. It would just be fantastic if you could add the
farsi version of the couplets to the Masnavi section of the website. Thank you.

name: http://nasiriphotos.com/pan/molana.htm
Date: 08 June, 2004

name: Barmaki Balkhi
email: BarmakiBalkhi@hotmail.com
Date: 15 June, 2004
Thanks for this great site and thanks for bringing his words online. Being
from his birth place town sometimes I feel the pride for it, similarly an
Iranian visitor of the site regretted to lose him to others. I think Mauvlana
will be ashamed of us if we say that he is ours' and not someone else's- he
certainly is from human kind's; even that may not fair, it is better to say that
he belongs to the existence whether that is in form of human being, animals,
plants or others. By no mean he is only Afghan, Iranian or Turkish; as very
truely poet said this about him in Farsi: "GITTI WATAN'E AOO SHUD AZ BAS KEH
translate it: The World Became His Place As He Is Regarded Half From Turkestan
Half From Farghana /or By Half From Turkestan By Half From Farghana

name: Fatima Senou
email: k_sadeghi@hotmail.com
Date: 16 June, 2004
offering this web site was the best things you could do.

name: reza
email: tjsm81@mail.ru
Date: 17 June, 2004

name: Riad Alam
email: riad9992000@yahoo.co.uk
Date: 02 July, 2004
Mawlana Rumi is a great inspiration to the lovers and fans of sufism. The
dervishes are the greatest gifts from Allah the almighty who has in his infinite
mercy has blessed us with his beloved friends. the status of Rumi is always
among the highest and the the most distinct among the seekers of God. Ameen

name: Fereydon Jam
email: info@bazaar-in-iran.com
Date: 06 July, 2004
Thanks ,for your effort regarding bringing Rumi ideas online ,i belive that
the men like Rumi,Shakespeare and... ,belong to all people around the world . In
addition i would like to introduce the website that present you books by and on
Rumi in Farsi and Farsi-English. We appriciate if you have a look on it,maybe
find something usefull.

name: Ruth Elise Housman
email: d.housman@comcast.net
Date: 09 July, 2004
This is a lovely website and I appreciate all the hard work that went into
this. I will be co-teaching a course at Brandeis on Spirituality with emphasis
on Sufism, Kabala and Christian mysticism. I enjoyed perusing the site! I feel a
mystic affinity to Rumi. There is a reason he is the best selling poet in
America at this time. Thank you again! Ruth Housman, Newton Centre, MA

name: Max Hampton
email: mxhampton@yahoo.com
Date: 09 July, 2004
This is it!!

name: Ed
email: churchofed@shaw.ca
Date: 10 July, 2004
love his poetry and was glad to find this site thank you for making it

name: yim
email: yny13xx@yahoo.com
Date: 18 July, 2004
i have just know Molavi this afternoon and suddenly fall in love with him.
His words touch my heart deeply and the meaning that is hidden behind the sweet
poem shake my heart. It is the God who sent him to the Earth and carved his name
on the terrain. It is very rare to have such an excellent poet and that's why
he's still been famous until now although the world has changed from his age to

name: parisa
email: parisaaaa_r@yahoo.com
Date: 21 July, 2004

name: Abdur Rehman
email: abdur136101@yahoo.com
Date: 26 July, 2004
I considered Roomi a traditional Mulla but your website has opened other
multiple aspects of his personality and poetry. I highly admire your efforts
which bring to light the essence of thoughts of such great philosophers as Roomi
and make them understandable to the Human race, irrespective of their difference
of culture, religion, language or race. Please accept my deepest appreciation.

name: maryam
Date: 26 July, 2004
I don't know how to thank you for this great and unbelievable work.... thanks

name: Dr. Kazi Belayet Ali
email: kazi@savechildren.org
Date: 27 July, 2004
I learned about Rumi while I was living in Iran - 1984-1991. I listened
songs/gazhals of Rumi sang Shazarian. I bought one translated book of Rumi from
the internationa bookfair held at Tehran. I want to know more of his spiritual
sayings on mankind.

name: Arvin
email: arvindeslandes@hotmail.com
Date: 01 August, 2004
Gruss Natali!

name: maga man
email: mugus@yahoo.com
Date: 08 August, 2004
good to know

name: Shahla Pakrou
email: spakrou@schooloflanguages.sa.edu.au
Date: 13 August, 2004
This is a great work. I believe Rumi deserves this appreciation and you are
lucky that you have done the job. I fall in love with this site and my students
use and enjoy your site so much. I recommend it to everyone. Well done and good

name: Tahmina Qahir
email: q_tahmina@yahoo.com
Date: 13 August, 2004
Salams to all, I found this page really well developed and facinating,
specially for the funds of Dari literrature. Actually i was looking for the
biography of Dr. Asadullah Habib,a great Afghan poet and writer, and i found
this page. I appreciate if any one can provide me with his biography. YOu can
contact me to my e-mail address above. I need his biography to add in our
English publication being published for Afghan students, available at SDF or its
sections KELC & WKELC in Peshawar-Pakistan and in Afghanistan. I will be wiating
for your prmpt respond, and would appreciate if your could help me reach my aim.
thank you

name: Keion Moradi
email: ouisiyew@aol.com
Date: 21 August, 2004

name: joe seoane
email: jseoane@lausd.k12.ca.us
Date: 26 August, 2004
thank you