Date: 01 January, 2004

name: Karim Zayyani
email: kzayyani@hotmail.com
Date: 01 January, 2004
Dear Shahriar
Your works are superb, pleasant,and appealing. I fell in love with yourspiritual words of Mowlana, at the first sight. I desire to write to you again.
wish you a greater success.
Karim Zayyani Toronto, Canada

name: badrlou
email: badrlou@yahoo.com
Date: 09 January, 2004

name: zari
email: zhassibi@yahoo.com
Date: 10 January, 2004
it is wonderful.i was seaching for the best translations of rumi's poems, which i like to send for my friends who can't read them in persian and fortunately found your website.thanks alot

name: laila
email: sweetafgangel86@aol.com
Date: 10 January, 2004
i'd like to know who made this web page please e-mail me the answer

name: khalid behzad
email: bevan_1000@Hotmail.com
Date: 13 January, 2004
Thanks for creating this website which is really coool

name: David
email: nyfunfuy007@yahoo.com
Date: 13 January, 2004
I saw a rug with omar khayam design on www.ativasativa.com. is there any corelation with omar khayam?

name: payam abdollahi
email: payam2074@yahoo.com
Date: 24 January, 2004
hi ,I liked to say thank you for all that U have done to make the others familiar with this great poet.I agree with that afghan person which wrote about international character of rumi ,when we are proud of having Rumi as an Iranian poet,we should also be ashamed of losting him and letting him to go to another place!Anyway Rumi's personality in his turning point into Music and poem is interesting.

name: Nick Lawrence
Date: 27 January, 2004
if you are looking to purchase a collection of rumi's poems go to
i am selling a brand new book because i have no interest in Rumi's poetry. Check it out! It's a great buy. I do not feel ashamed to post this, since it is blatent advertising for my own sake. I truly believe this book is in the interest of Rumi fans. Sorry if I have offended

name: jamal
email: jamal_malek2003@yahoo.com
Date: 01 February, 2004

name: sakshi
email: sakshi_mer@yahoo.com
Date: 01 February, 2004
i want peace of mind as i am feeling frustrated .please help me .

name: Beena
Date: 03 February, 2004
Hey! Shahriar Shahriari, how do you know that, "God in Gods time reveals Gods face." Jeez! Your poems on bread and wheat are soooooooo GOOD! My God! I'll remember that line of yours, if nothing else, something like, 'truth, beauty, kindness, etc., are useless unless accompanied by grace.' Wow!!!!!

name: Beena
Date: 03 February, 2004
When you say, "When of grace theres no trace," you mean to say God's grace? But then how do you know that? What did God reveal to YOU?

name: Siroos Safaii
email: ssafaii@att.net
Date: 06 February, 2004
Dear Shahriar,
Not only do you have full mastery of the Persian language and literature, but you also have a full command of the English language. Who could be better suited to translate the best poems of our best poets? Ive read many a translation of these same works. Im convinced that yours is second to none. Yet you had the humility to admit that much of the beauty of the poetry, being so intertwined with the underlying language, is lost by the mere act of translating it to another language. Your intent was simply to provide a glimpse and a taste of our rich literary heritage.
As you know, these poems are not easy to understand even in Persian for Persians. With your translations, Ive been able to go back and forth between the Persian and the English versions of these poems to get a better grasp of their essence. Had it not been for your contribution, I could not have appreciated and enjoyed these poems to the extent that I now can. Youve certainly brought it to life for me.
I could never thank you enough for your contribution. Yet I must start from somewhere: Thank you for all your efforts. More importantly, Im grateful to those synchronous events and circumstances, which put a person of your literary caliber, poetic talent, and linguistic skills to do the job that youve done.
Im sure that youve enjoyed the endeavor yourself. Youve also made it possible for your countrymen to understand, appreciate, and enjoy some of the best legendary works of their culture. Further, youve brought some of the most illuminating and enlightening works of the ancient world to the 21st centurys English speaking folks. If Rumi, Hafez, and Khayyam were here today, theyd have praised you for bringing their work to as many people as you have and across the language and cultural barriers. Finally, your own series of poems entitled: From Wheat to Bread speaks powerfully of a pleasant and skillful poet in his own rights. Thanks for sharing it.
As you can see, youve done plenty in such a short span of time already. Youre truly a gem on the rich crown of the Persian culture. Its an honor for me to be your countryman. Siroos Safaii (ssafaii@att.net)

name: christina
email: christinahalikas@yahoo.ca
Date: 07 February, 2004
many years ago, i was introduced to rumi, by my friend paula ... and although, i was at the time more into qabbala ... i have reexamined rumi, of late and realize the beauty and magic of the word ... i understand as i too, have had great love and experienced a very major nirvanic experience as well, as other mystical experiences in my life, i too know joy, and have tasted of the beauty of life

name: Errol Jenghis
email: ejenghis@hotmail.com
Date: 17 February, 2004
I loved the poetry, Shared so much of the poetry with my love at the time. Inspired me to write some of my own.
Thank you so much.

name: Arvin
email: arvin1@yahoo.com
Date: 17 February, 2004
Drood bar to, khosh halam ke afraadi messle to vojood dare, va be hamin khater bavojoode sadha saal solteh Taaziyan Zaban va Farhange ma hefz shod

name: amel
email: sanityinthewilderness@hotmail.com
Date: 21 February, 2004
no translations would suffice the original essence of the poems of Rumi. how ever we can achieve something very close. the website provides a good source.the attempt to collect the works of the greatest poet of all times, online is sinerely appreciated.

Date: 26 February, 2004

Date: 26 February, 2004

name: christina halikas
email: ensrealissimum@hotmail.com
Date: 04 March, 2004
if only mankind were as evolved as rumi ... of course, mankind must become educated before we all come togehter in unity and spirit ... ah, quelle domage ... however, we at least have the beauty of rumi for our moments of return

name: christina halikas
email: ensrealissimum@hotmail.com
Date: 04 March, 2004
if only mankind were as evolved as rumi ... of course, mankind must become educated before we all come togehter in unity and spirit ... ah, quelle domage ... however, we at least have the beauty of rumi for our moments of return

name: Rumi Lopez
email: Rumi.Lopez@se.amedd.army.mil
Date: 08 March, 2004
Thank you for finding out more about where my name comes from.

name: ghomarbaz
email: johnlon@aol.com
Date: 10 March, 2004
khonok an ghomarbazi ke bebakht har che boodash
benamand hichash ella havase ghomare digar

name: Sara
email: list@persianmirror.com
Date: 13 March, 2004
We love your site. Please visit our website to learn more about persian literature: www.persianmirror.com
thank you!

name: mahmoud
Date: 13 March, 2004

name: mahmoud
email: m_sh542003@yahoo.com
Date: 13 March, 2004
Thank you very much about your efforts

name: Mohammed
email: eamonn31990@yahoo.com
Date: 15 March, 2004
Best website ever

name: Penny Allen
email: wariorangel2003@yahoo.com
Date: 17 March, 2004
I just wanted to know what religion was Rumi?

name: mina
email: babi-aref-@yahoo.com
Date: 18 March, 2004

name: maliha
email: imaninallah@msn.com
Date: 19 March, 2004
Great compliments for the person/persons that has put this site together. I enjoy your site, and visit it often. I have many translations of Rumi's books, and can honestly say that none of them have done it justice. Know that your time and effort for such wonderful work you've done is appreciated greatly. Thank you for making it possible and keeping this love of language alive.

name: siam
email: siamfayez@yahoo.co.uk
Date: 22 March, 2004
The greatest pleasure of opening this site is to thank those who contributed to its creation. Their work attracted more and more support for such a glorious job!
Very welldone and thanks!

name: Dilek Cumrali
email: dilekcumrali@hotmail.com
Date: 26 March, 2004
Dear Mevlevis
I am the great grand daughter of Mahlika Hatun ,Mevlana's daughter from Kira Hatun. I am on my way to California and would like to meet some of followers there. Please if you have a meeting place write to me at dilekcumrali@hotmail.com

name: tamsil
Date: 27 March, 2004

Date: 30 March, 2004

name: behzad atar
email: az_khak@yahoo.com
Date: 31 March, 2004
jenab ,
faghat mitoonam begam ke ma ro roshan kardi
dastet dard nakoneh,z in hemmate balatoon vaghean sepasgozaram,
dar akhar age salah midoonid ,kheili khoshahal misham ke ashare bishtari az molana be zabane farsi rooye sitetoon gharar bedid
va dar akhar khastam tashakor konam azatoon babate inke baes shodid pooliro ke man shabaneh sarfe sharabe ghermez mikardam pasandaz konam!
shad bashid
doostetan behzad

name: Saafir
email: sseck@aol.com
Date: 02 April, 2004
very beautiful site - I sent the greeting cards to my Sufi friends

name: Ramiz Nahim
email: ramiznahim@yahoo.com
Date: 04 April, 2004
Dear Friends "The Creators of this Website"
My Name is Ramiz from Afghanistan. I luv your website soo much. You have no idea how marvellous it is, words can't express how great this site is. Thanx for creating this site, thanx for letting people know the great poets of persia ( Iran / Afghanistan )and thanx for your hard works. I am obsessed with this site.
luv and regards,

Date: 06 April, 2004
Here is a great article about Irani helping the community.
Pass it on please.

name: Shahram Afsharrad
email: shahram320@yahoo.com
Date: 08 April, 2004
Great web site

name: masood
email: chc_mj@yahoo.com
Date: 12 April, 2004

name: mehrnaz
email: mehrnaz_love2001@yahoo.com
Date: 13 April, 2004
man az in sait besiyar razi hastam man be onva ne yek irani az molana chiz hayeh ziyadi yad gereftam
man15salet az tehran

Date: 15 April, 2004

name: mahsa
email: mahan_mhs@yahoo.com
Date: 15 April, 2004

name: Majid Hussain
email: digitalzone2@yahoo.ca
Date: 21 April, 2004
It was not my thirst which followed me for the Maulana Rumi's work but coincidence though. I read a small saying of Rumi over the "Enigma" Cd that lead me to search his great work. I really appreciate this web site for English translation of his work.

name: ی
email: smmozaffarir@yahoo.com
Date: 26 April, 2004
یی ی ی
ی ǐ ی ی .

name: Ricardo Olivarez, Jr.
email: rmo72001@yahoo.com
Date: 28 April, 2004
I am very intrigued with Rumi's writings. I would like to enquire about the way to recieve more of his poems and wisdom.